Windows 10 game bar.La mejor herramienta de Windows para los jugadores
Looking for: Windows 10 game bar Click here to DOWNLOAD Installing the required version of Game Bar | Microsoft Docs.Installing the required version of Game Bar There are a few nuances to its use you need to be aware of. Turning on the Game Bar should release your mouse cursor from the game. You can mouse over the individual controls to see what they do and see their hotkeys, but here's an overview from left to right. When it comes to recording footage and taking screenshots with the Game Bar, there are a number of settings you can tweak to improve your experience. Here's a rundown of where to find them, and what you can fix. When you're inside the Game Bar itself, you can access most of the settings from the overlays itself. To do this, follow these steps. From here, you can change most of the same settings that you can via the Windows 10 main settings menu, such as notifications, whether background recording is enabled or not, and whether to i...